Real Life Stories About Depression & How To Help 

 September 30, 2019

By  Becky Cooper

Today I’d like to give a spotlight to those who have contributed to Mental Health Awareness…


Personal Stories – Survival Stories

(only 5min) Kevin Hines Story on Surviving Suicide: …Kevin is using his story to spread suicide prevention awareness…

It’s OK to Not Be OK
It’s NOT ok to NOT ask for help

(he does not sugar coat it, the first 1:26 seconds are a little rough, but the rest is so informative!) The cultural taboos of suicide and mental illness [TEDx Talk]: …Suicide and mental illness are stigmatized and painful for everyone affected. By destigmatizing them, the misery they cause will be diminished.

This mother has had a tragic loss and she has a powerful statement to share:

“…when we hold our anger, our fear, our grief, our sorrow…when we hold our stories inside, they make our hearts sick. Those feelings left unsaid for too long or too many times, they will poison our heart and eventually our minds to the point it proves fatal…ending in suicide. Feelings of that nature are not meant to stay in the dark. Satan does his best work in the dark, he is most effective in the dark. Every time we choose to give a sincere and truthful voice to our hurt and release the pain by telling our story to a parent or counselor or teacher or leader or trusted healthy friend, it’s a dose of antibiotics for the heart. It wards off sickness. Don’t keep secrets about the way you feel. Sometimes all that is needed is for us to be able to share our story and have someone look into our eyes and say, “I see you. I hear you. I feel what you are saying. Now I have a little bit of your story and I will hold it for you so it isn’t so heavy and you aren’t carrying it alone anymore.” .” — Leanne Payne Tressler


The Loved Ones Left Behind

The Tragedy of Suicide: Drey’s Story: … Currently, suicide is the second-leading cause of death among people age 15-24. It is the third-leading cause of death among people aged 10-14. Our young people are hurting. We need to come together as a community to combat this epidemic, and we need to fight the stigmas associated with mental illness.

What It’s Like to Lose Someone To Suicide: …”It made me realize how important it is to reach out.”

Parents blindsided by daughter’s suicide hope her story helps others: …Alexandra Valoras was a straight-A student, class officer and robotics whiz. But her journals told a different story, with 200 pages of self-loathing and despair.

Surviving the Suicide of Someone You Love [TEDx Talk]: …When a loved one dies by suicide, surviving family and friends confront painfully unique issues. Here is one story of help and hope.


How To Help Your Loved Ones Struggling With Depression

(such a sweet couple) How to Help A Loved One With Depression: …Want to know how to help and love someone overcome depression and anxiety? In this video, we share four strategies to help someone dealing with mental health challenges.

(this is awesome!) Bipoloar Disorder: 12 Tips For Friends & Family Who Want to Help!: …Bipolar disorder is a team effort – especially when our friends, family, or spouse become an important part of our support system.


My friend, Seth Adam Smith — Reason to Live…

Suicide Prevention Speech: … Finding a reason to live can change EVERYTHING.

The Big Dipper: … Because, when the darkness comes into our own lives, it plays a role in helping us see the light in a very different way…

Thank you for taking the time to learn about this important topic. Please share this list of videos with your friends and help spread awareness about mental illness – together we can help eliminate the stigma that has stuck around far too long. I am so grateful for each and every one of you who share so much love and compassion in this world. Those who are willing to help even when you don’t live with a mental illness, but you know someone who does. Thank you for stepping out of your comfort zones, thank you for braving the world in an effort to help others who are struggling; who fear to raise their voice. Thank you for sharing yours. Thank you 🙏💚

About the author

Becky Cooper, Certified Brain Health Coach.

Often times we find ourselves in need of support in accomplishing life, health, and mindful goals. It takes a great amount of courage to recognize that you can’t do everything alone— we sometimes need someone to help us be accountable to what we truly desire to accomplish in life.  It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child; I feel it takes a tribe to help raise each other [up]. This is at the heart of what I do. 💚  I have found life to be easier when I accept that I am a 'work in progress', and that's enough. While I continue to learn and progress, taking life one step at a time, I can invite others along my journey and help them too; teaching them what I have learned, and encourage them. In December of 2020 I completed the Brain Health training course directed by Dr. Daniel Amen, graduating with the official certification as an Amen Clinics Certified Brain Health Coach. This not only has helped me learn valuable solutions to help myself heal, but also help others who feel the same way as I do; others who are also in search of healing.Read More...

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Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Suicide Awareness

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